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Heart Autoimmune diseases can affect the heart. Possible problems are Arrhythmias, Pericardial Effusion, and Heart Failure. Not everyone with an autoimmune disease will develop heart problems. It is important to discuss all symptoms with your doctor.


Kidneys Scleroderma renal crisis (high blood pressure and kidney involvement) may occur to those with systemic (diffuse) scleroderma. Kidney failure is also a possibility, but if kidney functions are monitored, this condition may caught and in many cases treated.


Lungs Systemic scleroderma can and will affect the lungs. Possible pulmonary problems include: Pulmonary Hypertension, Lung Abscesses, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Aspiration Pneumonia, and Pleural Effusions. Careful monitoring can detect these problems early on.


Skin Skin involvement in scleroderma can be non-existant or extreme. There are many symptoms that skin involvement can take. Some are, for example, finger ulcers, edema, itching, rashes, telangiectasia, fibrosis and calcinosis.

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SD World Webmaster Jo Frowde
In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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