SD World LogoSD World is a list dedicated to providing a place where those who suffer from Scleroderma and other autoimmune problems may gather in a warm, friendly forum for an upbeat, open and free exchange of thoughts, ideas and information. We also offer a section of links for scleroderma medical, support, health or fun information.

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The internet is a big place. There is a lot of information out there. Some are very, very good, and some are very, very bad. On this and the linked categorized pages are some web sites we have found useful.

Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland is critical to normal body function. It affects your heart rate, cholesterol level, body weight, energy level, muscle strength, skin condition, vision, menstrual regularity, mental state and many other conditions.

Thyroid Disease Includes: Thyroid Drugs, Hypothyroidism, Diet/Weight Loss, Alternative Help, Nodules and Goiters, Hyperthyroid/Graves, and Tests for Thyroid.

The American Thyroid Association “The mission of the American Thyroid Association is to promote scientific and public understanding of the biology of the thyroid gland and the pathogenesis and management of its diseases in order to prevent, diagnose and treat thyroid diseases and thereby improve quality of life.” An internet–magazine–format site with a ton of links and a great deal of information. A good source of information.

Understanding Thyroid Problems — the Basics How Do I Know If I Have Them?, What are the treatments? Conventional Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Naturopathy and TCM , Body Work and Nutrition.

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SD World Webmaster Jo Frowde
In Loving Memory of Judy Tarro, SD World Founder
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